Testing 12v Car BatteriesPost Date: May 11, 2022Overview This is a quick, straight to the point, article on how to test 12 volt car batteries with a Klein Tools digital mm700 auto-ranging multimeter. State of Charge Plug the Black terminal into the “COM” jack Plug the Red terminal into the “VΩ” port Connect terminals to car battery: Negative battery post = Black terminal wire Positive battery post = Red terminal wire Turn multimeter on by setting to: (AC/DC Volts) Press the RANGE button until you get to the hundredth place Press the SEL button until you get to: DC Get current reading without the car turned on to find the state of the battery and compare to the state of charge chart Load Test Plug the Black terminal into the “COM” jack Plug the Red terminal into the “VΩ” port Connect terminals to car battery: Negative battery post = Black terminal wire Positive battery post = Red terminal wire Turn multimeter on by setting to: (AC/DC Volts) Press the RANGE button until you get to the hundredth place Press the SEL button until you get to: DC Get current reading without the car turned on to find the state of the battery and compare to the state of charge chart Turn car Headlights on for 2 minutes (to get rid of surface charge) and take another test Hit the MAX/MIN button until MIN is on the screen and start the vehicle Hit the HOLD button so we don’t lose the MIN value Turn car off Compare the MIN value with the load test voltage chart Charts State of Charge °F 100% 75% 50% 25% 0% 120 12.663 12.463 12.253 12.073 11.903 110 12.661 12.461 12.251 12.071 11.901 100 12.658 12.458 12.248 12.068 11.898 90 12.655 12.455 12.245 12.065 11.895 80 12.650 12.450 12.240 12.060 11.890 70 12.643 12.443 12.233 12.053 11.883 60 12.634 12.434 12.224 12.044 11.874 50 12.622 12.422 12.212 12.032 11.862 40 12.606 12.406 12.196 12.016 11.846 30 12.588 12.388 12.178 11.998 11.828 20 12.566 12.366 12.156 11.976 11.806 10 12.542 12.342 12.132 11.952 11.782 0 12.516 12.316 12.106 11.926 11.756 Load Test Chart BATT TEMP (F) MIN. VOLTS > 70 9.6 50 9.4 30 9.1 15 8.8 0 8.5